Thought Leadership: Innovation in Silicon Valley & Beyond

Veridic Solution Executives are often sought for their thought leadership and invited to speak at conferences and podcasts.. Here is an episode of Pitch Cafe Podcast where our CDO Piyush Malik was invited recently.

In conversation with a silicon valley based entrepreneur and podcast host Vida Patil, Piyush spoke of some early tech innovations from telecom to software to data , analytics & AI while taking about his globe trotting engineering product management & consulting career journey from big 4 management consulting firms to big tech companies into the cloud ecosystem of Google /AWS/Azure cloud & AI startup world with VC & Private equity backed companies like Veridic Solutions.

Connecting the dots seems always easy looking back but no one could have foreseen in early 1990's the explosive growth of Silicon Valley or the rapid evolution of tech industry!

The conversation also touched upon the importance of volunteering for industry professional bodies and community involvement with non profits . Bottom line: Bring your whole self to work!

🎙 Give this 26 min video/podcast a listen and let us know your thoughts in comments below.

If you want to jump directly, here is a timeline of segments / CHAPTERS ✨

0:00 - Intro
2:26 - Who is Piyush Malik?
4:12 - History of Silicon Valley?
5:57 - Mistakes people are making in the Startup World
8:13 - What kind of Science does Unicorns have?
12:37 - What can people learn with the Retro News?
14:22 - Journey about ASEI
21:51 - How to Connect with Piyush Malik
24:28 - Last Message to the Audience