Technological Skills to Focus on in 2023 for IT Job Seekers

Technology is an integral part of our lives and we must inculcate new technological advancements in our daily professional lives. It is predicted by The World Economic Forum that by 2025 there will be a rise in tech positions and it will be around 97 million in number. With the technological advancements, it will become imperative to reskill and upskill for including technological advancements. 

In the new IT era of 2023, upskilling in terms of these skills in the current market is necessary. And with the rise in jobs, it will become a good place for individuals to start with. 

1. Software development lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies

In a transparent manner and cost-effective dynamic, teams are able to bring a product to the market in a quick timeline. With the SDLC methodologies, there is a usage of good practices and defined processes under which there is a set standard that is followed by teams. 

Roles like project managers and software engineers include technologies like Agile and DevOps as the prime skills for such professionals. Such methodologies have had influence outside of the IT sector at the same time as well. Many company cultures and team practices use agile principles like “simplicity is essential” and “Build projects around motivated individuals. The part of SDLC methodologies with proficiency as a transferable skill is desirable. 

2. Coding

Coding languages are integral to be learnt in our world wherein it is used to instruct computer systems with computer-specific language. Languages like Python and Javascript are two languages are used fairly in daily usage by IT sector and gaining an upper hand on them will help gain new opportunities in this rising sector. 

In the Information Technology driven jobs, coding skills are essential. For a person to become Python or Javascript developer, mastering these languages is important. It is imperative for good communication with the technical team or for boosting one’s problem-solving skills that basic knowledge of programming languages should be there. On a beginner level, programmers can create apps and automation through using low-code tools.  

3. data analytics

For a specific process of exploring and analyzing large datasets to identify patterns, trends, correlations and insights This is the process of exploring and analyzing large datasets to identify patterns, trends, correlations and insights. There are data-driven solutions applied on an everyday basis across a wide range of fields, healthcare, healthcare administration, HR and marketing, with the data-crunching skills one can become a data scientist. 

4. emotional Intelligence (EQ)

With the new inclusion of skills in the modern world, soft skills are the most essential. It is highly essential to counter it with the thought of how important is it in today’s world? For any tech job, a soft skill like EQ is fairly important. Soft skills like these help you excel and go ahead whilst giving you more space than your peers. 

Things like self-awareness, empathy and active listening are important for developing emotional intelligence, a person can excel both as a leader and a team leader and contribute to a positive company culture. With additional knowledge of machines as well as how to handle people, one can excel at any job at hand.  

5. cloud computing

Our reliance on cloud computing (platforms and applications that use networks of remote servers to store, manage and process data) — skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, the sector is expected to generate an eye-watering $600 billion in revenue in 2023. 

Gain a competitive edge by acquiring a certification in cloud platforms such as Azure, AWS or Google Cloud. Working towards these qualifications will also give you a grounding in cybersecurity, one of the fastest-growing fields in tech. And if you’re looking for a role that’s likely to be in high demand for the next 10 years, consider reskilling as a cloud engineer.

Muntaha Bhat